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Friday, March 30, 2012

March FMQ Challenge Entry

Once again, I am publishing at the end of the month. But I am publishing an entry for Sew Cal Gal's FMQ Challenge.


Time was a real problem this month. I took a week's vacation from work, but took a trip to Pennsylvania to the AQS Quilt Show in Lancaster. It was a wonderful week - the people were so friendly and helpful everywhere we went, the food was great, the quilts were truly inspiring, and the quilt shops! Suffice it to say I added significantly to my stash...

I also took a two-day workshop from Jan Krentz which featured her Summer Salsa quilt. It is a gorgeous quilt and I learned a tremendous amount about precision piecing, a skill that I hadn't even started to build before. Very worthwhile, but very time-consuming!

Which leads me to my FMQ entry. Because it seemed easier than feathers, I didn't spend as much time on this one, and it shows! I've only done a couple of practice pieces so far, and I was a bit rusty since I've spent much time piecing instead of quilting, but I didn't want to miss this month's entry. So here it is. A bit primitive, but it will get better as I practice. I have to remember not to let go of the fabric until the needle stops - many of the jerkiest parts are because I took my hands off the fabric at the same time I took my foot off the pedal. Have to remember, pedal first, then hands. Will spend more time next month.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kearstie, You got your sample completed before the end of the month. Bravo... I think it looks good, your flowers are quite unique.
