Time was a real problem this month. I took a week's vacation from work, but took a trip to Pennsylvania to the AQS Quilt Show in Lancaster. It was a wonderful week - the people were so friendly and helpful everywhere we went, the food was great, the quilts were truly inspiring, and the quilt shops! Suffice it to say I added significantly to my stash...
I also took a two-day workshop from Jan Krentz which featured her Summer Salsa quilt. It is a gorgeous quilt and I learned a tremendous amount about precision piecing, a skill that I hadn't even started to build before. Very worthwhile, but very time-consuming!
Which leads me to my FMQ entry. Because it seemed easier than feathers, I didn't spend as much time on this one, and it shows! I've only done a couple of practice pieces so far, and I was a bit rusty since I've spent much time piecing instead of quilting, but I didn't want to miss this month's entry. So here it is. A bit primitive, but it will get better as I practice. I have to remember not to let go of the fabric until the needle stops - many of the jerkiest parts are because I took my hands off the fabric at the same time I took my foot off the pedal. Have to remember, pedal first, then hands. Will spend more time next month.
Hey Kearstie, You got your sample completed before the end of the month. Bravo... I think it looks good, your flowers are quite unique.